"My Monster Burrufu" Reviews
Hopeless Bibliophile

Alberto Corral does a very nice job of creating a young girl character who children will fall in love with. She’s sweet, kind, giving, and makes some amazing cookies! Best of all, she’s the bravest little girl I’ve ever known. When she hears noises coming from upstairs does she run away? Oh no, not Olivia! Instead she sets a trap, and the magic begins.

Alessandra Sorrentino draws the pictures in My Monster Burrufu and the illustrations are just gorgeous. Olivia is so tiny compared to her big, fuzzy friend. The pictures with the two of them were my absolute favorite! I see many a child listening with wide eyes to the story that Alberto Corral so expertly weaves, and giggling out loud at the pictures that accompany it. Let me tell you, adult or not, I loved the balance between the story and illustrations! I was smitten.

This story is adorable, heartfelt, and teaches a very important lesson. Olivia and Burrufu show that no matter who you are, no matter what you look like, you can be a very special person! The two of them teach children how to respect others differences and love them for who they are. Too cute! Seriously. If you are looking for a fun read to share with your little one, especially at bedtime, pick this book up. It’s sure to steal you heart!

Read more at Hopeless Bibliophile.

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