"My Monster Burrufu" Reviews
Red Lotus Mama

The book is about a seven year old girl named Olivia who has just moved into a new house with her father. A bit lonely and very curious, she discovers a monster named Burrufu living in the house’s secret attic. Burrufu has an incredible gift for writing and spends his time in solitude writing book after book, but none of them are read. Olivia wants to be his friend, but Burrufu is too scared to let the public know he exists. The monster learns to trust Olivia while she proves that there is more to someone than just their appearance.

I really enjoyed this story and found myself wishing there was more to it. Where was Olivia’s mother? Olivia is very mature for a 7 year old … left home alone, able to read, and not afraid of monster living in her house. How did she get to be like that? Where did Burrufu come from? Did the people who lived in the house before know about him?

My Monster Burrufu is beautifully illustrated and teaches about overcoming fear and that friendship can be found in unexpected place.

Read more at Red Lotus Mama.

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