"My Monster Burrufu" Reviews
Saving Money [...] With Liz

My Monster Burrufu Review In the Words Of My 10 year old.

It’s about how a little 7 year old girl named Olivia had moved to a new house. Olivia was excited when she saw her new home,And Olivia’s dad told her that monsters are good luck after Olivia heard a loud bang coming from Olivia’s dad’s office.So she couldn’t sleep and so she asked her dad for milk and cookies he said yes so she went down stairs and got the milk and cookies.That’s when she saw a big furry hand.

The book taught me about not judging people and that you can make friends with people you would never think of. I really loved this book and have shared it with my friends. I could read this book over and over and never get tired of it.

This book was not only enjoyed by my 10 year old but my 2 year old son has been running around the house with the book saying “my book” because he really liked the book.

Read more at Saving Money and Having Fun With Liz.

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